Lavender Gin


Inspired by the elegance of a bygone era, our Canadian Made Lavender Gin brings a refined floral twist to the Prohibition spirit. Crafted from triple-distilled organic rye, this gin infuses the timeless botanicals of juniper, coriander, and angelica root with a delicate touch of lavender - adding a smooth, aromatic layer that’s both captivating and calming. Perfect for the adventurous sipper or a unique cocktail, it is gin with a touch of intrigue, an experience in every glass.

40% ABV
750 mL Bottle

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Inspired by the elegance of a bygone era, our Canadian Made Lavender Gin brings a refined floral twist to the Prohibition spirit. Crafted from triple-distilled organic rye, this gin infuses the timeless botanicals of juniper, coriander, and angelica root with a delicate touch of lavender - adding a smooth, aromatic layer that’s both captivating and calming. Perfect for the adventurous sipper or a unique cocktail, it is gin with a touch of intrigue, an experience in every glass.

40% ABV
750 mL Bottle

Inspired by the elegance of a bygone era, our Canadian Made Lavender Gin brings a refined floral twist to the Prohibition spirit. Crafted from triple-distilled organic rye, this gin infuses the timeless botanicals of juniper, coriander, and angelica root with a delicate touch of lavender - adding a smooth, aromatic layer that’s both captivating and calming. Perfect for the adventurous sipper or a unique cocktail, it is gin with a touch of intrigue, an experience in every glass.

40% ABV
750 mL Bottle

Abbey Green
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